Tag: art

“Whatever happened to the epic?” by Jo Ann Cavallo

Miguel de Cervantes famously claimed to have composed Don Quixote de la Mancha to combat the imaginative hold that books of chivalry had over his contemporaries. Reading the novel for the first time as an undergraduate, however, I had been…

A Lady’s Transnational Journey Beyond the Veil: Aesthetics of Female Health and Disease, Social Distancing & Transformative Healing

The guest author for this post is Maryam Farahani, She is a Research Associate at the University of Liverpool and co-editor of Psycho-Literary Perspectives in Multimodal Contexts. During the long nineteenth century, Western Orientalists designed intimate portraits of the East, informed by new…

Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction

This is a guest post by Michael Peter Bolus, Ph.D. Author of Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction, out on Anthem Press this month.  The welcome and entertaining distraction that defines most movie-going experiences has become the default expectation for…