Tag: literature

Reading Francis Hodgson Burnett in a Time of Pandemic

The guest author for this post is Thomas Recchio. He is the author of The Novels of Frances Hodgson Burnett: In “The World of Actual Literature” out May 2020. As I was writing my study of the novels of Francis Hodgson Burnett, the…

A Fibrous Weave of Literary Scholarship

This is a guest post by Jeffrey C. Robinson. Author of Poetic Innovation in Wordsworth 1825–1833: Fibres of These Thoughts, out on Anthem Press this month.  In the 1980s I first gained sympathy for the poetry of the “late” Wordsworth while helping to…

Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction

This is a guest post by Michael Peter Bolus, Ph.D. Author of Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction, out on Anthem Press this month.  The welcome and entertaining distraction that defines most movie-going experiences has become the default expectation for…

Middlebrow – Feelings and Fury

This is a guest post by Faye Hammill, University of Glasgow. She is an editorial board member for Anthem Studies in Book History, Publishing and Print Culture.   What does “middlebrow” mean? Is it a label for a particular kind of…